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BST 501 Principles of Biblical Interpretation (Albano 2023)
BST 601 Theology I (Dane 2024)
BST 602 Theology II (Dane 2023)
BST 603 Theology III (Dane 2023)
BST 604 Theology IV (Dane 2023)
BST 606 New Testament Theology (Dane 2022)
BST 701 Apologetics & Evangelism (Dane & Albano 2021)
BST 702 Creation Science (Dane 2024)
BST 703 Cults & World Religions (Dane 2024)
BST 705 Spiritual Gifts (Dane 2019)
BST 716 New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Dane 2024)
BST 801 Advanced Hermeneutics (Dane 2020)
CH 501 Church History I (Parker 2021)
CH 502 Church History II (Parker 2023)
CH 602 Reformation History & Theology (Parker 2014)
CH 605 American Church History (Parker 2023)
FMT 501 Biblical Principles of Leadership (Dane 2022)
FMT 502 Exposition of Prayer (Parker 2021)
FMT 503 Bible Teaching / Preaching Methods (Albano 2024)
FMT 505 Biblical Principles on Marriage & Family (Parker 2021)
FMT 701 Principles of Biblical Counseling (Zietlow 2015)
FMT 702 Applications of Biblical Counseling (Zietlow 2015)
NTE 501 New Testament Survey I (Wise 2024)
NTE 502 New Testament Survey II (Wise 2022)
NTE 620 Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles (Lightfoot 2024)
NTE 701 Exposition of Romans (Dane 2023)
NTE 705 Exposition of 1 Corinthians (Dane 2016)
NTE 710 Exposition of Galatians (Dane 2020)
NTE 715 Exposition of Ephesians (Dane 2024)
NTE 801 Exposition of Hebrews (Dane 2021)
NTE 805 Exposition of Revelation (Dane 2019)
NTL 501 Beginning Greek I (Shepherd 2021)
NTL 502 Beginning Greek II (Wise 2022)
NTL 503 Beginning Greek III (Wise 2022)
NTL 601 Greek Exegesis I (Dane 2019)
NTL 602 Greek Exegesis II (Dane 2020)
NTL 603 Greek Exegesis III (Dane 2020)
NTL 710 New Testament Introduction (Dane 2020)
NTL 766 Exegesis of Philippians (Dane 2020)
OTE 501 Old Testament Survey I (Wise 2020)
OTE 502 Old Testament Survey II (Wise 2023)
OTE 503 Old Testament Survey III (Wise 2023)
OTE 504 History of Israel (Wise 2024)
OTE 601 Exposition of Genesis (Dane 2022)
OTE 811 Exposition of Isaiah (Wise 2020)
OTE 815 Exposition of Daniel (Dane 2022)
OTE 826 Exposition of Zechariah (Dane 2024)
OTL 501 Beginning Hebrew I (Barrick/TMS)
OTL 501 Beginning Hebrew I (Wise 2019)
OTL 502 Beginning Hebrew II (Wise 2020)
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