Spring 2024 course taught by Dr. Tim Dane

One of the most challenging areas of biblical studies deals with the various ways in which the New Testament uses the Old Testament.  This purpose of this course is to identify and explain the various ways this takes place by analyzing a multitude of such passages.

Spring 2024 course taught by Dr. Tim Dane

An examination of the historical roots, origin, development, doctrines, leading personalities, and practices of the major religious cults in America. The course also suggests approaches for presenting the historic Christian faith to the members of various cults.

Spring 2023 Course Taught by Tim Dane

A study of Christology, dealing with the person and work of Jesus Christ; of Pneumatology, the person and work of the Holy Spirit; and of Soteriology, dealing with the atonement of Christ, election, regeneration, conversion, justification, sanctification, and glorification.

A study of Old and New Testament prayers and of the scriptural teaching regarding prayer. The course is designed to impact the personal prayer life of the students and also to equip them for the responsibility of leading a congregation of believers in its prayer worship and ministry. Issues relating to the tensions with regard to the sovereignty of God, the responsibility of humans to pray and respond, and the role of the Holy Spirit, are evaluated.

Winter 2023 course taught by Peter Wise

The second of three core courses which together survey the entire Old Testament, with a focus on understanding the major contents of each book. Examines literary structure, historical backgrounds, geographical settings, and parallel passages to enhance comprehension and application to contemporary issues and concerns. The second course covers the Writings (1 Chronicles – Song of Solomon).